Blacksmithing is the best profession to have if you'll play a plate class in WOTLK Classic!
Professions complete World of Warcraft’s MMORPG fantasy to such an extent that today imagining WoW without professions is, honestly speaking, impossible. Not only do professions entertain the WoW community for hours and hours, but they also play an incredible role in gearing progression since specific profession masters can only craft some best-in-slot items.
Introduced back at the beginning of WoW Classic, Blacksmithing is an old-school profession that arms the Blacksmithing apprentice with the knowledge to smelt ores from the wide world of Azeroth and Outland and to craft unique plate gear that can take pressure off arduous leveling process. On top of that, there are more than plenty of crafted plate pieces that sometimes serve as pre-BIS or even BIS.
With Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion never being closer, leveling Blacksmithing has never been more important, particularly for Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors that will, without doubt, dominate the DPS charts in both PvP and PvE scenarios. Since leveling Blacksmithing is time and money-consuming, here’s a guide to efficiently level Blacksmithing and avoid unnecessary costs.
Beginning your Blacksmithing career is fairly easy because all you need to do is to visit any capital city. In the capital city, you’ll find Apprentice-Artisans that will teach you the basics of Blacksmithing. Once you have perfected your Blacksmithing skills to Master tier, you’ll need to head to the Dark Portal and enter the Outlands territory. In Outlands, you’ll find Master Blacksmithing trainers dwelling in Hellfire Peninsula. Then, you can safely continue your Blacksmithing leveling. After you hit level 375 in Blacksmithing, you can pay a visit to Grandmaster Blacksmithing trainers in either Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra. There they will happily teach you the deepest secrets of Blacksmithing, and you’ll be able to craft the finest plate gear. On top of all this, in WOTLK Classic, you’ll be able to choose between two Blacksmithing specializations—Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing. So, consider your future needs and choose a Blacksmithing specialization carefully.
After learning the fundamentals of Blacksmithing, the next step in your Blacksmithing adventure is gathering the leveling materials. Remember that whenever you want to level your Blacksmithing, you’ll need to find a forge and an anvil. Both forges and anvils can normally be found in capital cities and nearby Blacksmithing trainers. So, before leveling your Blacksmithing, you’ll need to go shopping or gather materials. Since most materials come from Mining, starting this profession simultaneously with Blacksmithing would be best to avoid hefty auction house expenses.
Here’s the list of essential materials used to level Blacksmithing: